5 Fun iOS Libraries to Improve Your UI

5 Fun iOS Libraries to Improve Your UI

Awesome UI and animations for ‘UITableView’ and ‘UICollectionView’


We start with folding-cell , a customised cell subclass for UITableViewCell. It provides an awesome folding/unfolding animation of a cell to display/hide its content.

This library is compatible with iOS 8+ and Xcode 10.2+


expanding-collection is customised cell subclass of UICollectionViewCell.
It provides a nice animation of animating a cell into a view controller by showing all the details. This is kind of something similar to what the App Store does with its Today tab

This library is compatible with iOS 9+ and Xcode 9+.


This is an improved version of UICollectionView, and it follows the data-driven approach. It has built-in animations, and all of it comes with superb performance.

This library is compatible with iOS 8+ and Xcode 8.2+.


This is an alternate to the default pull-to-refresh functionality in iOS apps. It uses Notch to animate and add/show/update new items in UICollectionView or UITableView.

This library supports Swift 4+.


This is another cell subclass of UICollectionView. It comes with a skewed layout and also provides parallax effects to all of the images by default.

This library is very old and written using Objective-C.